Guide to Setting up Preferences
This guide provides you with easy steps on how to set up your preferences for Tag N Go web application. This allows you to personalise your Tag N Go experience.
Step 1
Go to your profile and press on the icon next to your selected name in the system. A drop down will appear and from the drop down select the option “My Account”.
Step 2
Another page will open where you will be able to change details regarding your profile and the settings for your app.
Account Information
Press the button “Edit your account information” to change basic details of your profile.
Here you can change your first name, last name, e-mail, telephone number, fax and you can change your avatar. To save the information, press the button “Continue”. To return to the previous page, press the button “Back”.
NOTE: The fields marked with * are mandatory fields
Edit Your Time Zone
Press the button “Edit your time zone” to change settings for your time zone
To change your time zone, select a pre-defined time zone in the system. To select the type of metric system, select one of the options in the drop down menu “Metric System”. To select the type of temperature measuring in your time zone, select one of the options in the drop down menu “Weather System”. To save the information, press the button “Continue”. To return to the previous page, press the button “Back”.
NOTE: The fields marked with * are mandatory fields
Change your password
To change your password, press the menu item “Change your password”. Another page will open where you will have to insert the new password and again re-type the new password that you have selected for your profile. To save the information, press the button “Continue”. To return to the previous page, press the button “Back”.
NOTE: The fields marked with * are mandatory fields
Address Book Entries
To manage your addresses, press the button “Manage your Address Book”. Another page will appear that will display the current addresses that you have added in the system with your registration. To edit the available addresses, select the desired address and click on it. The window will expand and press the edit button.