Guide to Setting up Follow Me
This guide provides you with easy steps on how to share live trips with your family and friends via email, Facebook or Twitter. This allows others to know where you are or simply to share your driving experience.
Step 1
Go to your profile and press on the icon next to your selected name in the system. A drop
down will appear and from the drop down select the option “Followme TM”.
Step 2
Another page will open where you need to click the button “Add New” in the field for
“FollowMe Manager”
Step 3
A new menu will appear below the “FollowMe Manager” field. A new menu will appear
Select the desired connector for your car; if you only have one connector, then that connector will be selected by default. If not, locate it from the dropdown.
Add description for the new “FollowMe” trip.
Select the type of “Followme”: Select how the tracking will be done, Either real time
or delayed (5 min)
Select the time range for the new “Followme”: A defined time range, to select this
simply click on one of the pre-defined options
Step 4
After adding all the desired settings, press the button “Save” to save the newly created “FollowMe”. To cancel all the changes, press the button “Cancel”.
Your trip is now active and ready to share.
Step 5
After the trip has been created, you can view the active “FollowMe” by pressing the button “View Link”. Another popup will appear where you will view the active ongoing trip that the selected connector/car is having.
To e-mail the newly created “FollowMe”, press the button “Mail” and another menu will appear.
Insert the friends name and e-mail that you wish to share the trip with and the system will automatically send an e-mail with the link to the desired friend’s email address. To add more friends for the e-mail, press the button ”Add Friends”.
Once the button “Share” is pressed, an e-mail will be sent and a confirmation popup will appear to confirm that the e-mail has been sent.